
These steps make it possible to re-shape records on your need.

Move Field

Permits to move a field.

  - name: moveBarToNewBar
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.MoveFieldRecordTransform
      to: value.newBar

Copy Field

Permits to copy a field.

  - name: copyKeyToValue
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.CopyFieldRecordTransform
      from: key
      to: value.key

Drop Field

Permits to remove a field.

  - name: removeThisField
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.DropFieldRecordTransform
      jmesPath: value.unlike

Convert ZonedDateTime Field

Converts a date from one format to another.

  - name: ensureCreatedAtDateIsRFC3339
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.ConvertZonedDateTimeFieldTransform
      field: value.createdAt
      inputFormat: RFC_3339_LENIENT_MS_FORMATTER
      outputFormat: RFC_3339

Extract Field

Pulls a field out of a complex value and replaces the entire value with the extracted field.

  - name: extractId
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.ExtractFieldValueTransform
      field: id

Split array

Split an array into multiple records.

Let's take as example this record:

    "customer": "Paolo",
    "orders": [
            "type": "food",
            "product": "pizza"
            "type": "drink",
            "product": "cocacola"

We would like to send the order for food and drink in two different places (for example to two different topics).

So the expected result is to have two records.

One for the food:

    "customer": "Paolo",
    "order": {
        "type": "food",
        "product": "pizza"

Another for the drink:

    "customer": "Paolo",
    "order": {
        "type": "drink",
        "product": "cocacola"

So, our step configuration will look like:

    - name: splitFooArray
      type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.SplitValueTransform
        jmesPath: "value.orders"
        to: "value.order" # Optional field

Optional configurations

name default description
to "" Defines where to put an extracted array's object as a nested field into the original parent object. If the 'to' field is not configured, the extracted object will go on the 'value' field by default. The existing parent's field under the same 'to' path is going to be overridden.

Copy Timestamp To Value

Copy timestamp of record into value.

  - name: timestampToValue
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.TimestampToValueTransform
      field: publication_date

Unwrap Value

Unwraps the content of one field to root value.

  - name: payloadUnwrap
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.UnwrapValueTransform
      field: payload

Wrap Value

Wraps the current content in a single field.

  - name: wrapPayload
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.WrapValueTransform
      field: payload

Insert Static Value

Insert a static value in a chosen field of the value object; if the field exists, the action will be skipped, and eventually is possible to configure the step with overrideIfExists: true to permit the override.

Let's take as example this record:

    "name": "Paolo",
    "email": ""

We want to add a new field type, so our record will look like this:

    "name": "Paolo",
    "email": "",
    "type": "customer"

So, our step configuration will look like this:

  - name: addNewField
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.InsertStaticFieldTransform
      field: type
      value: customer

Insert JSON Value

Eventually, we can also add a static JSON value.

  - name: addNewJsonField
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.InsertStaticFieldTransform
      field: newJsonField
      value: '[{"foo":"bar"}]'
      format: json

Override an existing field

It's also possible to override an existent field.

  - name: addNewJsonField
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.InsertStaticFieldTransform
      field: email
      value: '*****'
      overrideIfExists: true


All transformer steps can be triggered conditionally using the parameter condition.
If the expression is true, the action will be started.


  - name: moveBarToNewBar
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.transform.MoveFieldRecordTransform
      condition: " != null"
      to: value.newBar