
Permits to filter records by specific field (key, value, timestamp, etc.) using jmespath.

Usage examples

A filter-like JMESPath evaluation

  - name: filterByValueName
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.filter.FilterField
      jmesPath: " == 'foo'"

More complex JMESPath expression
Filter all records that contains fooHeaderKey in the headers.

  - name: headerExists
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.filter.FilterField
      jmesPath: >-
            { fooHeader: headers[]."fooHeaderKey" } | length(fooHeader) == `0`

JMESPath functions

We can make our filters more powerful using JMESPath functions. - now: permits addition or subtraction from now time for different units. - For example, we want to know the value (epoch millis) of yesterday, we can use "now('-P1D') "the result will be the epoch in millisecond unit of yesterday. - The operation is in ISO 8601 duration format (see more here).


Filter all records not older than 14 days ago

  - name: filterByTimestamp
    type: dev.vox.platform.kahpp.configuration.filter.FilterField
      jmesPath: "timestamp > now('-P14D')"